Commercial and Corporate Law Attorneys
The firm was established in 2021 under the name and style CLARRENCEMANGENA INCORPORATED and was incorporated in February 2021. The firm is 100% Black owned and a B-BBEE level 1 contributor: 135% Procurement Recognition.
The firm is situated at 25 Rhodesdrift Street, Polokwane, Limpopo Province as well as an office at 2 Maude Street in Sandton.The following courts are accessible to the firm: Polokwane High Court and Magistrate Court. The firm has further access to Polokwane Deeds Office, Department of Mineral Resources and the Master of High Court.

About Us
Meet The Director
The Director, Mr Clarrence Mangena
obtained his LLB from the University of
Venda in 2017 which was officially conferred to him on the 17 May 2018. He was admitted as an Attorney of the High Court on 29 November 2019 after successfully completing his period of articles with the firm Espag Magwai Attorneys.
Mr Mangena joined Espag Magwai Attorneys on 3 September 2018 after completing a six months training course with the Practical Legal Training in Polokwane. After his admission, Mr Mangena continued employment with Espag Magwai Attorneys as an Associate until 25 June 2020, whereof he went to assume duties at the Constitutional Court of South Africa as a Law Researcher to Justice Tshiqi.
Why Choose Clarrence Mangena Attorneys Incorporated?
Strong Ethics of Practice
Excellent legal services
Keeping you informed of the developments
Furthering only your interests in line with the law
Our Areas of Practice
We have a wide range of practice areas to help serve you.